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Coleção Crap Noir, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022, 2023

Os filmes noir foram a inspiração para esta série, uma combinação de fotografias e de textos de mulheres que muito admiro!

Os 3 primeiros volumes contam com os textos da minha amiga poeta Ana Persona. A parceria linda se repetiu em 2016 e 2018, com mais 2 volumes.

Agora, a nova leva, mais 3 volumes, ganhou textos dessa artista que tanto admiro, Sumaya Lima.

Resenha no Blog do Juan Esteves.


Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

Crap Noir Collection

Paranoia, awe, intrigue.

And a handful of thick, dark blood.

Noir films were the inspiration

for this series, a combination of

low photographs and words

atmosphere. Mist.

Texts by Ana Persona

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Giovana Pasquini Fotografias





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